New Frontiers to Feature Five Landmark Innovators on Bloomberg (March 1, 2025 at 5:00 PM EST) - The content in the episode is a Planet TV Studios Original and it is brought to you by and sponsored by Planet TV Studios
Planet TV Studios proudly serves as the exclusive sponsor of the New Frontiers series. New Frontiers: "Highlighting Emerging Technologies" will air Saturday, March 1st 2025 on Bloomberg Television.
BOCA RATON, FL, UNITED STATES, February 28, 2025 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Planet TV Studios will premiere a compelling episode of its acclaimed docuseries New Frontiers on Bloomberg Television this Saturday, March 1, 2025, at 5:00 PM EST. Hosted by seasoned broadcaster Gina Grad, the episode titled “New Frontiers: Highlighting Emerging Technologies” features five innovators breaking new ground in their fields: Dr. Daniel C. Allison, Gough Surgical, PLLC, NeOnc Technologies Holdings, Inc., South Carolina Spine Center & Dr. Michael Kilburn, and LARVOL. This special installment takes viewers on an insightful journey into radical developments across medical science and technology.
New Frontiers investigates how these pioneers are solving complex challenges and improving lives. Grad’s trusted voice and clear storytelling help distill each segment, ensuring that both industry insiders and general audiences grasp the significance of these breakthroughs. As the exclusive sponsor and producer of New Frontiers, Planet TV Studios continues its mission to showcase the visionaries shaping the future of healthcare and innovation.
Dr. Daniel C. Allison – Pioneering Advances in Orthopedic Oncology
The episode introduces Dr. Daniel C. Allison, a leading orthopedic surgical oncologist renowned for transforming outcomes in bone cancer and limb reconstruction. A board-certified surgeon serving at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Dr. Allison has been at the forefront of his field, developing surgical techniques that save limbs and improve patient survival. Notably, he was the first in Southern California to perform an osseointegration implant surgery for a lower-extremity amputee – a highly advanced procedure that anchors a prosthetic directly to a patient’s skeleton to restore natural mobility. He has also spearheaded the design of advanced implant systems for complex joint replacements, reflecting his commitment to innovation in patient care. New Frontiers provides an up-close look at how Dr. Allison’s leading work is giving new hope to patients and redefining what’s possible in orthopedic medicine.
Gough Surgical, PLLC – Revolutionizing Robotic Joint Replacement
Next, viewers are taken inside Gough Surgical, PLLC, where orthopedic surgeon Dr. Brandon Gough is revolutionizing hip and knee replacement surgery through robotics and minimally invasive techniques. Based in Scottsdale, Arizona, Dr. Gough employs a precision-driven, muscle-sparing approach to joint replacement that uses advanced robotic assistance. By implementing techniques like the Direct Superior Approach for hip replacement, he helps patients regain mobility faster and with less post-operative pain. Dr. Gough’s blend of cutting-edge technology and surgical expertise has set new standards in orthopedic care. Beyond the operating room, he also trains surgeons worldwide in these innovative procedures, extending the benefits of his approach far beyond his own practice. This segment of New Frontiers demonstrates how embracing innovation in the OR is dramatically improving patient outcomes in joint surgery.
NeOnc Technologies Holdings, Inc. – Breaking Barriers in Brain Cancer Treatment
New Frontiers then explores the world of biotech with NeOnc Technologies Holdings, Inc., a company on the frontlines of brain cancer research. NeOnc’s revolutionary novel therapies to treat aggressive brain tumors by overcoming one of medicine’s greatest challenges: the blood-brain barrier. The company’s proprietary platform enables the delivery of potent therapeutics directly to the brain, allowing drugs to reach tumors that were previously untreatable with conventional methods. This breakthrough approach, now in clinical trials, has the potential to significantly improve outcomes for patients fighting conditions like glioblastoma. The episode reveals how NeOnc’s scientists combine pharmaceutical innovation with ingenious delivery methods to target cancer cells in the brain safely and effectively. By pushing the boundaries of drug delivery, NeOnc Technologies exemplifies the next generation of life-saving oncology solutions.
South Carolina Spine Center & Dr. Michael Kilburn – Advancing the Future of Spine Surgery
The series also shines a spotlight on South Carolina Spine Center in Greenwood, where neurosurgeon Dr. Michael Kilburn is advancing the future of spine surgery. Dr. Kilburn and his team marry state-of-the-art technology with skilled surgical technique to address complex spinal conditions. Specializing in artificial disc replacement and minimally invasive spine procedures, he is demonstrating how innovation can reduce pain and restore mobility for patients with back and neck disorders. The segment provides an in-depth look at procedures that preserve spinal motion and speed up recovery by using smaller incisions and cutting-edge implants. Through a combination of human expertise and modern tools like advanced imaging and navigation, Dr. Kilburn is pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in spinal care. New Frontiers illustrates the real-world impact of these breakthroughs, showing how novel approaches to neurosurgery are improving patients’ lives.
LARVOL – Transforming Pharmaceutical Data Intelligence
Finally, New Frontiers turns to LARVOL, a leader in pharmaceutical data intelligence that is changing how the industry leverages big data. Headquartered in San Francisco, the company uses artificial intelligence to help biotech and pharma companies navigate the vast landscape of medical information. Its advanced platforms aggregate and analyze clinical trial results, scientific publications, and even real-time insights from top medical experts on social media, then distill this wealth of data into actionable intelligence. By providing a clear “big picture” view of the oncology landscape, LARVOL empowers researchers and executives to make informed decisions in drug development and patient care. This innovative approach to data analytics is accelerating the pace of research breakthroughs by ensuring that decision-makers have timely, comprehensive information at their fingertips. In this segment, New Frontiers pulls back the curtain on LARVOL’s operations to show how data-driven innovation is reshaping the fight against diseases like cancer.
Together, these five features underscore a common theme: visionary thinking paired with technology can yield extraordinary advancements in health and science. Tune in to Bloomberg Television on March 1, 2025, at 5:00 PM EST to catch this illuminating episode of New Frontiers. For those unable to watch the initial broadcast, the episode will be available on-demand on the New Frontiers website after airing. This engaging showcase offers a front-row seat to the breakthroughs and innovators leading the charge into the future.
Christian Kelch
Planet TV Studios
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